FOCUS & ENERGY PLANNING The müvbook contains daily priority exercises and reflection help you hone your ability to focus, be more productive and develop healthy habits
GOAL SETTING & SPRINTS Who do you want to be? The müvbook is neatly designed to guide you through 90 day sprints of growth to help you actualize into the badass you are.
PENS & INSPIRATION CARDS Your life and your story should be written with confidence. That’s why we’ve included message cards to remind you that you are the master of your ship.
SELF-TRUST & CONFIDENCE Learn to understand your energy levels, what you’re capable of and what you can accomplish... building an unshakable confidence in who you are.
RELIEVE STRESS & BE PRESENT Stop waking up everyday and wondering ‘How am I going to get this done.’ Organize your priorities each day and wake up ready to achieve.
BUILD HABITS FOR SUCCESS The müvbook is designed to help you identify and
build new habits every 90 days that help support growth towards the best version of you.